
The mechanic

In order to build your own embroidery set-up  you will nedd very basic tools (saw , screws…) as well as a mackerspace having a laser cutter and a bit of time.

You will find the files for the shaping  and list of materials  on the “build the mechanic” page.



We still havn’t find the time to document on the electronics. We hope to do it as soon as possible.

However it requires few components and the mounting was thought to be easily made by anyone.

The firmware of the control board is beeing re-written. It will be available on the git of the Electrolab as soon as possible.


The sofware

The software can only be use with Linux doesn’t have a proper interface and still has bugs. It is still being developed.

The files saved under that version may not be reusable under the new version. It is still not a version or even a Beta.

You will need a few notions of programming to install it  (compilation with cmake) and know how to install extern libraries on your system.

I insist: The sofware is not stable or really usable at the moment. It’s a working file.

The source code is located on but not open to the public yet ( it will be quickly)